Nutrition Info
- ALL-NATURAL, TASTY NOURISHING FISH OIL THAT PETS LOVE. Harvested from fresh Wild Alaskan Salmon, this pure Salmon Oil is an all natural fish oil supplement designed to help dogs and cats of all sizes look and feel great. Our liquid formula is capsule free so that it’s easy to give to pets with their food.
- LOADED WITH VETERINARIAN RECOMMENDED POWERFUL OMEGA3 FATTY ACIDS: Our premium Salmon Oil is packed with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids derived from EPA and DHA. These nutrients help keep your animals coat soft while supporting your pets overall health. It’s great for all breed sizes including small, medium and large breeds alike.
- Eases Joint Pain & Reduces Inflammation, If it does not work on your pet, contact us for a Full Refund!
- This is an all-natural product so the color may actually vary. Contains 15+ Omega 3, Omega 6, and Arachidonic fatty acids
- 16 Ounces of Wild Alaskan Fish Oil in a Quality Aluminum Bottle and an easy to use pump – Made in The USA
Guaranteed Analysis:
· Fat 99.5%,
· Moisture 0.5%,
· Omega-3 Fatty Acids 30%
· EPA 10% min
· DHA 11% min
· Omega 6 Fatty Acids 7%
Calorie Content: 8960 kcal/kg = 254 kcal per oz
Why do we feed dogs with Fish Oils ?
Fish oil should be added to Dogs diet primarily because of the essential omega 3 fatty acids. And the longer the omega 3 fatty acids are the easier it is for the dog to utilize them properly. Omega 3 Longer chain fatty acids DHA (22 carbons and 6 double bonds), and EPA (20 carbons and 5 double bonds) are essential fatty acids , and can not be harnessed from any source other than marine fats through diet. During the digestion of the oils by aid of ensymes and bile in the digestive system , the body can break the fatty acids and utilize them for the reproduction of cells directly. Healthy reproduction of cells leads to a healthier life.
Is Wild Alaskan Salmon oil and Salmon oil the same thing ?
No it is not !
Salmon oil and Wild Alaskan Salmon oil is not the same thing. Salmon oil is widely available from farmed salmon only. It is a cheaper product that that is not from a wild natural source.
Tickled Pet only carries a Wild Alaskan Salmon oil from sustainable annual fisheries of Wild Salmon in Alaska. Fatty acids in the oils are derived from natural sources and the antioxidant astaxanthin that gives the salmon oil the color is natural as well .
Salmon Oil from farmed salmon has their fatty acids coming from the food that is fed to them. The Omega 3 is coming from marine and vegetable sources , but recently they have started to produce omega 3 in land based algae plants. The antioxidant astaxanthin synthesized, yielding a molecule that is is not from a natural source with identical chemical structure.
Tickled Pet will stick to our principles of delivering only products that are Natural and Sustainable
Are Vitamins in Salmon oils and Pollock oils for dogs?
It is true that fish oils contain substantial amounts of natural vitamin A and D, when they are derived from fresh livers for example under low temperatures. Normally when fish oil is processed most of the natural vitamins vanish going through cooking and separation process of oils, water and dry material. Fish oil producers normally add vitamin A and D3 back to the oil at the end of the processing and Vitamin E as an Antioxidant, that is crucial to reduce the risk of oils becoming rancid.
How to choose a fish oil for my dog?
There are various types of fish oil on the market:
Tickled pet supplies only Natural Salmon and Natural Pollock oil, which is the most natural and easiest to absorb for dogs. It is not purified, and may contain natural contaminants that have so low volume of toxins that if your dog would eat 100 liters per day it would kill him after 80 years.. It is presented as a joke but it is the truth, the benefits are that by taking the natural oil your dog will live longer and have a healthier life..
Purified oils are winterized where alot of low carbon fatty acids 14:0 and lower are filtered out. The oil is filtered with active carbon to reduce any bi phenyls or Contaminants. It is oiled and It is changed to a soap with caustic soda and then changed back to oil to remove odour and make a better colour and finally filled with artificial vitamins to make up for the lost vitamins in the process. This makes the oil look better but does not make it healthier in any way.
Ethyl ester oils are normally anchovy or Peruvian/Chilean fish oils. Sent around the globe where they are concentrated and distilled, removing impurities. They filter out the fatty acids that are not omega 3. They have high levels of omega-3: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
Changing the oils to ethyl esters and back to fat is not natural process at all.
Of the three variants the natural oil is the best. It has the lowest carbon footprint, and has the least processing done to it. It contains the real thing, the Omega 3 fatty acids, that have not been taken through a expensive process to clean them. It contains the natural vitamins from algees stored in the Salmon and the Pollock. It is the real thing..
I have a concern about the aluminium bottles you use for the Salmon and Pollock Oils. My view is that the fish oils in the bottles would react differently that fish oil sold in glass or BPA plastic bottles. The the bottles used for the Salmon and Pollock Oils, they do not leak any metals into the oils?
Aluminium , is the best material to store oils, to prevent rancidity.
The metal , is light and does not spill any particles in to the oil. . Unless after been heated over 1220°F ..
A study done of various packaging for oils found that aluminium is better than glass, and other metal containers( Tin, copper, iron, glass and magnesium) , and was found to be similarly good as some high end PE plastics , in fact it has better qualities over longer time than the plastics , because no light will go through the aluminium, sunlight and daylight will spoil oils and cause oxidation , wich will not happen in the aluminium containers.
Long chain fatty acids for your dog
The longer the fatty acid chains are, the healthier they are. They are lighter, they are liquid, they have more double bonds, more omega 3 and they are healthier in general.
Fat can be found in both the liver and spread throughout the fish in between muscle layers, in cells or most often at special places such as base of fins, skin and in the head. Some fish species, such as Alaska pollock, have very little fish oil in the body (0.2-2%) then the fish oil is found mainly in the liver. Salmon has most of it´s fats in between muscle layers as body fat.
Fat is defined as that part of an animal or plant that is soluble in organic solvents (ether, chloroform, benzene or acetone). Fat is mostly composed of glycerol and fatty acids via ester bonds (triglycerides) they can all convert to soap by enzymes, and by adding caustic soda to the fats.
Fatty acids are usually rather long chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen attached as well as one acid group on the other end of the chain.
The fatty acids have different terms of length, but it can range from 4 C atoms to 26 and everything in between, most often in even numbers (C14, C16, etc.) but some have odd numbers (C15,C17 and C19). Vax is a group of short chain fats that is not liquid unless heated.
We talk about fatty acids as saturated when they are C16 or lower.
In many fatty acids, there is a double bond between carbon atoms and they can be from one to six. The number of double bonds mainly determines the melting point of the fat or how light it is.
Coconut or sheep fat is a hard-fat at room temperature while fish oil is liquid at same temperature.
Fish fat is different from other liquid fats such as soybean or olive oil, because it contains very long fatty acid chains, ie. from C20 to C26, which plant oils do not. Furthermore, fish fat contains more double bonds in general. They have original Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids, and they cannot be made in the body of the dog. These fatty acids are essential in cell reproduction and aid in uncountable ways in dogs.
I recommend Salmon Oil and Alaska Pollock oil as a way to give your dog essential fatty acids, the dog needs it to reproduce cells for better and healthier life. Long chain fatty acids are healthier and easier utilized in the dog's body.
Omega-3 Longer Chain Fatty acids.
It has been known since 1940s that the the Eskimos in Greenland did not develop heart disease even though they were eating more fat than people on traditional diets in Europe and America. Dyerberg's and colleagues found in 1970 that Eskimos in Greenland had a much lower incidence of pneumonia than Danes and Americans. They concluded that high consumption by Greenlanders on marine fats that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids was the reason. They also found that Omega 3 was absent in traditional diets in America. Since then epidemiological research has found that men who consume fish products to some extent have a reduced risk of coronary heart disease. One of the most well-known research was conducted by Kromhout and colleagues, who found that among 25,000 middle-aged men in the town of Zutphen in the Netherlands over a 20-year period, the incidence of coronary heart disease was
consumed two fish meals a week 50% lower than those who did not eat fish.
Dr Rabinowitch was in the Arctic communities wrote in 1935 “If there was a serious health problem amongst the Inuit, I was not aware of it. My interest was primarily in the alleged absence of diabetes, cancer and arteriosclerosis and the possible relationship between such absence and the peculiar dietary habits of these people”
Omega-3 fatty acids (20 and 22 C), are mainly found in fish oils and not in the fat of terrestrial animals unless they have been fed on fish products. These acids have been called DHA (22 carbons and 6 double bonds), and EPA (20 carbons and 5 double bonds).
Vegetable oils such as soybean and rapeseed oil are said to contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. They contain the 18:3 α-linolenic acid ALA(18 carbons and 3 double bonds). The (ALA) is a shorter chain fatty acid with 3 double bonds , but mammals such as dogs , can utilize the acid to make EPA and DHA in cell reproduction , where the longer chain fatty acids are essential. The ability to make the longer-chain omega−3 fatty acids from ALA may be impaired in aging .
Best for the animals is to get the real thing , which the body can utilize without having to use energy to change the fatty acids to longer chain acids. Salmon oil and Pollock oil contain 2.77 times more Omega 3 fatty acids consisting of longer chain EPA and DHA fatty acids than Rapeseed oil, that does not have the real thing. The essential fatty acids must come from the diet ,and the longer they are the better .
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Refund Policy
If your pet won't finish our treats to the very last bite, we will give you a full refund!
Every now and then our Bugs will turn down a treat, or just sniff it a bit and let it go. However, in the two years that we have been treating him with our TickledPet treats, he has faithfully eaten every one.
If your pet won't down our treats to the very last one, just shoot us an email at emptybag@tickledpet.com, tell us where you bought it and we will take care of you.
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I have two senior GSDs and their skin and coat get pretty dry. I’m hoping this supplement will help with the dryness and provide some additional health benefits as well.
The oil doesn’t stink. I love that it comes in an aluminum bottle. My only issue is the pump leaks whenever I use it.
All my dogs think the salmon oil is the best ever. They will eat anything with a drizzle in the top. But it is good for them. I’m seeing improvements in the skin and costs especially.
My dog likes the Salmon oil and so far I am seeing good results. I bought the oil because my do has skin issues. He has suffered skin allergies and so far he is doing well. I am hopeful that this trend will continue.