What are the health benefits of Lamb Lungs for dogs
Dogs love the taste of Lamb Lungs and the treat is lofty and crispy and can be used as a training treat by breaking it down into smaller pieces. It is a light chew, because of the properties of lung meat. Lamb lungs are loaded with nutrients that are essential for dogs. It is the perfect daily snack and can be fed often during the day. It suits the nutritional needs of every dog, from a puppy to old age. It is a single ingredient , and there is no evidence that dehydrated lamb lungs can not be fed to allergic or dogs with sensitive digestion.
When looking around for facts about the subject of dried lamb lungs , there were no studies found about dried lamb lungs. However a lot of information can be found about it’s source , the fresh lamb lung.
Before drying, all external fat is removed, and the lungs are cut in slices and dried. Fat within the lung meat is evenly distributed and the meat has a lot of volume. It’s high content of air pockets makes the final product very crispy.
Lamb lung meat is nutritious and contains all the important nutrients such as protein, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. It is a good protein source with about 20% protein content in lung meat it contains all of the essential amino acids . Biggest quantities are of Leucine, Lysine ,Valine ,Threonine.
Percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acid is calculated to be around 5% of the weight of dried lamb lung and half of it is omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore grass fat contains the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid.
Grass-fed lamb meat is rich in vitamins including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B12 and niacin which are water-soluble. Lungs are also rich in vitamin A and E that support vision, cell reproduction. Eight essential minerals are found in the lungs including iron, zinc, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, calcium, sodium and magnesium.
As before said , lamb lungs are just loaded with all the essential nutrients for dogs. Lamb meat is also very healthy, and the fat within the meat contains omega 3 fatty acids, the proteins are composed of essential amino acids , and the meat contains essential minerals . Tickled Pet is proud to offer this delicious treat for your dogs and our cats love them too 😊
What are the health benefits of lamb lungs for dogs ?
Summary of Benefits
· Single ingredient 100% Lamb Lung
· All the essential amino acids in the proteins
· Fat contains essential fatty acids such as Omega 3´s and alpha-linolenic acid
· Rich in Vitamins B1, B2,B12 and Vitamin A
· Contains the Antioxidant Vitamin E
· Contains eight essential Minerals
What size of treats is in the lamb crisp bag ?
Average Gross Weight with packing: 0.55 lbs
Average Net Weight of bag: 0.51 lbs
No. pcs per bag: 37-44pcs/bag
Average Length of each treat: 4 in
Average Weight of each treat:0.2 oz